
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Rails 3 Routes [Solved]

Hi all am learning rails 3.2.8 and i found that in routes if i have a controller called User and i have 5 def a, def b,def c and def d. do i need to mention routes to each def because in 2.3.8 you no need to mention routes for each def but when i come to 3.2.8 i have to mention routes for each def in a controller like match

'user/new' => 'user#new'
match 'user/create' => 'user#create'

such way for each def in a controller. is there any other way to write a routes so that you no need to mention routes for each def.

1 comment:

  1. You can use resources in following three different ways.

    resources :users

    All the methods in Users controller will have routes defined if you add above line in your routes.rb file. For example users controller have method #index then you will be able to open the url http://localhost:3000/users.

    resources :users, :only => [:show, :new, :create]

    If you use the above line in routes.rb then you will be able to just use the show, new and create actions of your controller.

    resources :users, :except => [:index, :update, :destroy]

    By using the above line you will be able to use any action in your controller execpt index, update and destroy.
